
Intention is a fundamental aspect of showing up in life. With my own will I can direct my intentions to an end. It is very important to focus on a clear intention to come to ceremony. 

Recommendations and guideline for my Intention 

– Invite light into your home and light a candle.

Prepare the space nicely with incense and relaxing music from Tibetan singing bowls. Be in inner silence and meditate. Connect with your breath and touch your heart with your hands. Trust. 

– Ask yourself, what is it that your heart longs for, what do I need in my life for greater balance and healing? 

– Feel in the center of your heart, that deep desire, your intention and put it into words. Visualize it in colors or shapes if it helps. 

– Express your intention clearly, in the first person and in the present tense. Focus on the positive. And avoid negative tendencies or difficult aspects, because by formulating your intention in positive, you help anchor that high vibrational energy in you. Use words of gratitude and visualize yourself in a happy and pleasant moment. 

– Practice Intention to WATER 

Every morning when you wake up, take a glass of water with your hands and set your intention in a loving way. Drink that water containing that elevated programming to transform you into that intention. Give thanks to your inner waters. 


I Am Peace, I Am Love, I Am Light. 

My intention is healing in my body, peace in my mind and forgiveness in my bonds. I find within myself balance and happiness for greater freedom in my life. 

I trust and open myself to the experience. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you

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